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Monday, June 23, 2008

Sleepy Wrap and Geocaching

Before L was born, Steven and I enjoyed an activity called geocaching - an activity in which you use a GPS system to find caches, or mini- treasures, located at specific waypoints across the globe. It was a fun and incredibly cheap (FREE) activity that combined exploring, physical activity, and treasures. What's not to love?

Unfortunately, having a small child can sometimes put a bit of a damper on the geocaching experience - especially when it involves walking for extended periods of time and up steep hills and loose gravel, walking through poison ivy, and braving things like: creeks, ticks, mosquitoes, and the like! We had thought that we'd have to give up geocaching, unless of course we lined up a babysitter - we had never realized how a simple Sleepy Wrap could change our whole experience.

The Sleep Wrap is a stretchy and soft baby wrap that you methodically tie around your body to create a "nook" for your child. Unlike other wraps, the Sleepy Wrap is not only comfortable, but it can also be worn for many positions and different sized children - from infant to toddler! Oh, and the goodness doesn't stop yet: This is the ONLY wrap I have found so far that will fit both my 5'1" and 87 lb frame AND my almost 6' non-87 lb husband's frame! I love that when I get tired, I can switch the wrap with my husband, and he can wear her for a while. Or, when she stays with her Mimi or Granny - it'll fit them, too!

Sleepy Wrap
is wonderful, no matter what you like to do. It's appropriate and comfortable for so many activities! In fact, you might want to try out some new activities once you get your own Sleepy Wrap.

Click here to buy your own Sleepy Wrap, available in many colors.


1 comment:

Mom2girls said...

WoW! I am super impressed! This looks so nice b/c it can hold the baby's head when they are asleep. AND the price is so reasonable. I like the looks of this sling A LOT!!!