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Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to Dads...

I know a lot of men tend to feel left out when it comes to the whole parenting thing. I mean, many magazines focus mostly on moms - actually, marketing in general tends to. And, then...there are the mommy groups and the such. And, pregnancy? It's all about the moms and babies, and dad often gets overlooked.

I came across this pretty great book called: The Modern Mom's Guide to Dads - Ten Secrets Your Husband Won't Tell You by Hogan Hilling and Jesse Jayne Rutherford. It talks about:

  • What your husband's fears, hopes, desires, and frustrations are
  • How to get him involved in the housework and childcare without manipulating him
  • How to reduce conflict in your marriage
  • And best of all, how to get some rest and time for yourself

It's a great book and my husband and I both recommend it - but, I wanted to hear some of YOUR advice too.

So, dads (and moms, too)...tell us what your biggest piece advice is concerning the fathers of our children. It can relate to anything...from what you're really thinking to housework to raising children...just tell us (in our comments)!

We can't wait to hear from you!

PS - Dad's if you have a certain gripe about society vs. fatherhood, be sure to let us know about it in the comments, too!

And, don't forget our awesome $100 Giveaway!

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