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Monday, August 18, 2008

Speech Delays - Ages 2 1/2 - 4


30-36 Months
  • at 30 months, can't be understood by anyone in her family
  • at 36 months, uses no simple sentences, doesn't ask questions, and can't be understood by strangers

3-4 Years
  • at 3, can't speak in short phrases
  • at 3, is unable to understand short instructions
  • at 3, has no interest in interacting with other children
  • at 3, has extreme difficulty separating from a parent
  • at 3½, consistently fails to add final consonant to words (for example, saying "ca" instead of "cat")
  • at 4 years, still stutters frequently
  • at 4, isn't almost fully understandable

PS - Don't forget the $100 Giveaway!

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