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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Little Pim: Foods and Drinks in French

Raising your children in a multi-lingual environment has been proven to help them not only to be able to excel in language arts as they grow, but also to help them excel in other subjects as well. You may think that your little one wouldn't benefit from some extra language courses, but this is the best time to expose them. Between the ages 0 and 5, your little one's brain is like a little sponge. Although they may not be able to communicate it just yet, they DO know what's going on around them. In fact, between the ages of 0 and 5, your little one can tell the most subtle differences between different languages! Amazing, right?

Little Pim knows this and has a great DVD for all youngsters. Check out their Food and Drink and French.

So, you say... "There are lots of educational language DVDs, what makes Little Pim the one for me?" Little Pim believes that total immersion into a language is the best way to learn. There are optional English subtitles, if you so choose to use them. Personally, I love experiencing the DVD without the subtitles. It moves slow enough for learning to occur but also at a pace that can keep your attention. Also, the DVD is divided up into 5 minute segments, allowing you to pause and interact with you child - or - provides a great stopping point for younger children's shorter attention span.

Want to read more? Go HERE...

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