Have you thought about "going green" but you didn't know where to start? Which products do I use? Are they more expensive? Which company to purchase products from, grocery store or a direct selling company? And last but not least, do green cleaners really work? Those were my exact questions as well.
Here's a great example of what you may not know about household cleaners. Take a look at this video called Toxic Brew. It was done by a Toronto news crew: http://www.theglobalsuccessteam.net/resources/wmv/toxic_Brew.html .
In my search for a non-toxic cleaning line, I found a wonderful company to purchase products from. I was introduced to this awesome line called Get Clean by Kristin Grayner, a Shaklee Independent Distributor. Who decided to become a Shaklee Distributor because of this non-toxic line. She wanted to make a difference for families and for the environment. Her mission, and one that I agree with, is to speak with families about the toxins they are innocently bringing into their homes through household cleaners. Not only has she helped the environment within homes, but she has affected the outside environment as well.
Every time someone purchases the Starter Kit to convert their entire home in one shot, they are eliminating 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills, eliminating 248 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and it's the equivalent of planting 10 trees. One of the nice things about using these products is once you get rid of all those undesirable cleaners you may have in your home, you won't have to replace them with 27 more. You'd have to spend more than $3,400 in store bought cleaners, to get the same amount of clean that you do with the Starter Kit!
This non-toxic line of cleaners has been featured on daytime's favorite talk show 5 times in the last 7 months. Here's a recap of the segment done during an Earth Day show back in April: www.shaklee.net/pws/library/flash/getclean-tv2.html .
If you'd like to enter into a national drawing for $250.00 worth of free products, you can do so at www.goshaklee.info, password XE88705. You need to go through the entire video to be entered into the drawing. They will choose someone each month! GOOD LUCK with both!
If you'd like a free sample of Basic H2, you can send a message directly to Kristin Grayner at graynerfamily@gmail.com. You can visit her website at www.PowerfulClean.com.
Through this blog, you can enter the win a bottle of Basic H2 (windows/mirrors and all-purpose cleaning), a 3-pack of spray bottles and a box of the vegetable based Dryer Sheets, which are recyclable, plus a lovely bucket! - Just leave me a comment with:
your name,
and why you MUST win!
Be sure to check back February 11, 2008 to see if you were the lucky winner!
***DUE to the huge response we had, we are now adding another set to be given away... so, now TWO lucky readers will win! If you haven't signed up yet, be sure you do!!
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»I MUST win because I'm getting a little obsessed with green living. My sister is also currently pregnant, and even though I try to get her on the sustainable/chemical-free bandwagon, she really goes for convenience. So I'd probably share this with her so my niece can grow up without inhaling as many toxins.
I'd love to win- these products sound great!
I must win as I need healthier alternative for us - ones that do not affect our breathing.
I'd love to try it! :) Thank you for entering my name. :)
Sounds Great..
Clinton, TN
I must win in order to help start off going green right!
I must win because I want to make the enviroment for my 4 beautiful children as healthy as possible!!!
amitymatthia at hotmail.com
Wisconsin (i would prefer to give my city to you in an e-mail as I don't want every one to know EXACTLY where I live, hehe)
I've REALLY been wanting to check out Shaklee products. I hope I win!
I *must* win because I've got two small children at home, a house full of people with severe allergies, and a lot of cleaning to do!
Keller, TX
I must win because I love our earth! I am all about having a cleaan healthy home! I live in Portland Oregon, name is Kristin
your name Beckie Tetrault
email Beckietetrault @ Gmail . com
city, state Clovis, CA
and why you MUST win I MUST win because I am always looking for healthier ways to keep my home clean.
Thanks so much for the terrific giveaway.
Kris Tuttle
Lemoyne NE
I would love to win this. Our little guy has health problems and I'm always looking for new ways to green our environment.
thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com
i live in PA.
I must win these things because i need to have a healthier alternative for cleaning!!! Thank you!
if you don't mind, i am not quite comfortable with putting my real name and city up here - but you can definitely email me at lifeasamama@gmail.com if i win!!
why should i win this? i detest the smell of regular, toxic cleaners, and have a tendency not to clean my house as often as i should, just because i don't want to subject my daughter and i to those smells! please help rescue me from a dirty house!
I have heard of Shaklee, but it has been awhile since I have been anywhere to see their products. What a wonderful line they have come out with! Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway drawing. I would enjoy winning these products because one of my goals this year is to be more "green" in our home and my life. Thanks very much.....Cindi
Please enter me! I'd love to win, too!
I would LOVE to have these products because we're trying to go green and remove the toxic products from our home. My sister's neighbor had a real scare last night when their son drank anti-freeze. This has strengthened my resolve to get our home as safe as possible.
I'd prefer not to post personal info where everyone can see. If this keeps me from being included, I understand. ;) My email is in my blogger profile. Thanks!
I am trying to be more green with my daily living and toxic cleaners were the first to go. i want to rid myself of my allergies and asthma so these would be a great start!
awesome. this is great, count me in!
my school just started a recycling program and I would like to show another aspect of going green here on campus
I must win because I like a clean and healthy house!
I must win because I love Shaklee and I cannot afford it AND I have a daughter who has allergies. Shaklee is the greatest!
Sarah slawebbAtgmailDOTcom
i have heard awesome things about this stuff!
I've started using more environmentally friendly products but i've not heard of these yet. My family is very big into saving the earth (they own a few recycling centers - and earth day IS a holiday in our book) and I'd love to pass these along to them if they work as well as they seem.
I MUST win because I'm trying to make the transition to greener living. And those other cleaners tend to give me headaches which really slows down the cleaning process.
i've been interested in shaklee cleaning products for awhile now but haven't taken the next step. winning this would be that next step i need to take!!!
I must win because I am trying to get the icky chemicals out of my house. I would love to try these products! Thanks!
I must win because I think it's necessary to take baby steps when going green - otherwise it might not stick! I've switched to reusable bags, started recycling more, and even switched to the Diva Cup! I think household cleansers should be my next babystep! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would love to win. I'm attempting to go green in as many aspects of life as possible...carry my own totes to the grocery, etc. Plus, we're hoping to be expecting soon!
would loooove this. Count me in.
Count me in! I'd love to try these products...
I have always wanted to try this!
How wonderful...thanks for doing this.
My name is Nikki
email the_heart_is_here [at] yahoo [dot] com
And I MUST win because I've already gone green with my cleaners, but I mix all the my own bottles of stuff. It'd save me a LOT of time to find a company I trust that'll do it for me :)
Shaklee has been around forever!!! Love that they've gone green....that would be by biggest reason for wanting to win!! Thanks for the great giveaway!! (lcody@shaw.ca)
Count me in. I would love to go green but haven't yet partly because of expense...this would be great. Thanks!
that's great. i'd love to try them and get rid of chemicals!!
I agree that green living is SO important. I'm trying to use up my yucky stuff and replace it with materials like you're giving away. Why do we need so many additives?
Sounds great - thanks!
This sounds so good - I want to win because my son has so many environmental allergies, the regular cleaners can't be good for him.
elisarosehilliard at gmail dot com
I Must Win (!) because I have a newborn baby who licks and sucks on EVERYTHING and I'm very concerned about cleaning product residue getting into his system! YUCK!
dansan8226 at yahoo.com
Great Giveaway!! Thanks for the fun!
Back in the day, my mom sold Shaklee. i would get out her little kit & pretend to sell it too. I would love to win because my kids are sensitive to cleaners and these cleaning products would be great for us!
Cleaning supplies literaly make me sick when I use them. I would love these products! Thanks so much!
I would love to wind this because I am into healthy living and having just moved up here from Mexico I am trying to figure out my options up here!
Charlsie Swadley
AWESOME prize! I must win because as a military family, our budget doesn't stretch very far and it is hard for us to go completely green. I squeeze in good products when I can, but use vinegar to clean if not. It stinks! :) Would love to have a clean, fresh, eco-friendly home.
Looks great!
Donna aka Nesting Momma
I need to win because I'm going green and I love Shaklee...have used it since I was a kid and now want to continue the "green" process with my young children!
I must win because I LOVE to have a clean house! Especially a "green" clean house! I'd love to try these products since I have a 2 year old and hopefully a baby soon. Count me in!
We would love to be ALL green! We are working on eating more than 50% organic and supplement another 25% with all natural. But, I don't think we can yet afford to go all green in our cleansers. Boy, would I love to though! I use baking powder as a cleanser in the kitchen...does that count??? I'd love to try out these products! I hope you pick me!!! It's a very nice giveaway!!! Thank you for hosting! Leinani
My name is Jenna. My e-mail is neilsenjm(at)hotmail(dot)com and I would love to win this gift. My husband and I are really trying to make a conscious effort to care for an protect our Earth (which is difficult on a not-huge income). I would love to try these products and become a spokesperson for them (as I have for the 7th Generation products we use).
We are going more natural with our household products and these would be nice to try.
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.
Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings
If you could see the usual state of my house, you would know why i need to win some cleaning products!
Sarah N.
mamaisquilting at gmail.com
I need to win, because the normal cleaners give me headaches and keep me up at night! I want to try the green ones.
We are trying so hard to go more green! This would be so great!
alainamj AT yahoo DOT com
My daughter has asthma, so we tried Shaklee. It makes a difference, and we would love this. Thanks, Michelle
mlb AT springmail DOT com
count me please ;)
crazyaboutgus (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win because I am trying to teach my four children about living green. We have a long way to go but this would sure help!
Come visit my two giveaways!
I've gotta win, because I'm trying to get my family to go green. I first heard about these products on Oprah and I would like to get my hands on some!
Hi I must win because I need to start spring cleaning and my grandson, who resides w/us has terrible allergies to products. Please enter me
Hi I must win because I need to start spring cleaning and my grandson, who resides w/us has terrible allergies to products. Please enter me
i am already a user and love the stuff. i could always use more, but would love to start my sister on it as she is preg with third and has two with allergies!!
please enter me for your giveaway
I must win because I'm currently trying to convert to a nontoxic household for baby. I had no idea how much junk there is in all my old cleaners! Yeeks!
jg AT jennaglatzer.com
I am in the process of eliminating as many harsh cleaning products, food plastics, etc. around our home as I can. I have heard great reviews in the past about Shaklee products and would like to give them a try. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
This would be a great gift since I'm always cleaning my house! :)
We ONLY use natural products in our home, so this would definitely get used! I have been wanting to try more Shaklee products! Thank you for the chance!
I need to win because I have 2 small children at home and I must get the chemicals out of here.
I would love to win this!! Count me in!
I must win because I would like to use products that are safer for my family and the environment.
I've heard good things about this stuff. I must win so I can call myself green!
I need to win because my husband hates the smell of all my other eco-friendly cleaners & I need to prove to him I can find one that works & smells good (who knew men could be so picky?)
This would be perfect! With all my little boys running around all the time, I hate using products that may be harmful to us as well as the environment!
Shaklee has been around for a long time and has such a good reputations!
Thanks for this great giveaway!
I must win because now that I have a daughter I'm more conscious of chemicals in my home. adavieau@comcast.net
GREAT giveaway! I hope I win...no .. i MUST win because these products sound awesome..and i never win any raffles!
Robin Witte
I must win because it is impossible to find clean products in the tiny town that I live in!
We try to stay as organic and "green" as we can since our twins were born. Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I would love to try these!! Thanks!
Lisa- love_cats05@yahoo.com
I must win because I have multiple chemical sensitives so I can't use chemicals in my home as they make me very sick. And I'm a bit of a tree hugger. :)
I simply must win to keep our new (almost bought) house clean.
Thanks and good luck to all.
I'd love to be entered!
I MUST win because we are moving this week. I have already told my husband not to even pack the cleaning supplies under the sink because we are going to use better products at the new house.
I must win because I went to the Shaklee site, did the quiz and found out just how toxic the stuff I've been using is for my kids! Please help me out!
awesome thank you!
I've been wanting to try Shaklee's products for a while now! I must win because with two cats and a baby on the way (hopefully soon!) I need to reduce the amount of chemicals in my home!
I would love to win this b/c I would like to use more natural cleaning products.
jenholtz (at) yahoo (dot) com
I must win because I haven't tried any green cleaning products and these sound awesome!
I must win because I have vowed THIS is the year my family goes green! I haven't found any products I absolutely love yet. Maybe this will be it?!
I must win because I have no cleaning stuff at all period in my home and need to start cleaning!! Please pick me!
What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com
I would be very grateful to win this
I have never heard of this line of "green" cleaners, but am a huge lover of Mrs. Meyers and Method. I'd love to try these to see how they stack up...and if I like them, hopefully I can find them!!
I'd love to win, because I'd like try alternative cleaning products.
LilacButterfly [at] earthlink.net
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I must win because I have been trying very hard to be eco-friendly for the last nine months (since I became pregnant). All I can think about is making this planet a better place for my children. This prize would be much loved and appreciated in my house!! THANK YOU!!
I really want to make an attempt at going greener and this kit would help!
What a great product. Please enter me. Thanks.
I must win because I am trying to use non-toxic cleaners and haven't found anything that I truly love.
I would LOVE to win this- I've heard great things about Shaklee. And I want to make some changes with more natural products- this would jump start me! I MIGHT even enjoy cleaning with some new cleaning supplies! ;)
I would LOVE to win this because I'm all for going green! We use reusable market bags when shopping (no paper or plastic for me!) and we recycle. Please enter me in your drawing! Thank you so much!
djcregue at wmis dot com
we just found out our son has allergy induced asthma so we are trying to go the more natural route with cleaning.
We also have allergies and have had to make some changes in our lives. I'd love to win these. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
I must win in order to do my part to keep the environment clean and my House Clean!!
grayjones5 at yahoo dot com
I MUST win because my family is converting to an all green, all organic family. It has made a dramatic difference in our quality of life and our health. I am so excited to try these products, I just watched the videos on their website and entered for their products. Thank you for hosting this! prettybritty425@gmail.com
I must win because my friends are all very knowledgable about going green, and I feel like I'm way behind the times. I'd love to be the one to tell them about some great green products for a change.
I must win because I hav been wanting to try these products since seeing them on Oprah. I am into healthier living. I have been using healthier skin care products from Arbonne for a while now, but haven't found a cleaner that I am happy with.
Please enter me. Thanks!
I MUST win because I've been wanting to buy these products but don't know a distributor! I also really want to be more green.
Thank you!
I would love to win these products! I just got three books full of tips for using baking soda, salt & vinegar all over the house! I've been on a vinegar-cleaning spree!
Great product. Need to dow hat we can!!
Clean Green Freak!
I need to win because I'm trying my darndest to live green.Great giveaway! Count me in.
These are great products, thanks for the giveaway!
I must win because I have been dying to try these products ever since I saw them on Oprah. All of our cleaning products are green, and I'd like to test out the quality/cost efficiency of these!
Kierra - kierra(dot)ho(at)gmail(dot)com
I love new products that are coming out nowadays which are environmentally friendly.
I must win because I'm a cleaning crazy lady and would love to use prodcuts that aren't harmful to my kids.
Hope I win. Why? I love it! I need it. Cleaning products that I do not have to worry about chemicals harming my 3 kids or 5 dogs. And with that brewd-I need to be cleaning!
I would love to win! I am trying to eliminate all the bad chemicals in our but am finding it difficult to get things clean without them. Thanks.
lucycontest at gmail.com
I hate using chemically products to clean my house, especially with two small children. I would love to be introduced to "green" cleansers that will be healthier for my family and the planet!
i'd love to try this! thanks for the giveaway!
I saw Shaklee on Oprah and I really want to try their products. We are going Green in our home and I want the best, eco friendly cleaning products to keep my family and our earth healthy! Enter me please.
I really want to use safer products around my son, but it can be so expensive to get started! This is just the push I need!
lizzy_142 AT hotmail DOT com
Talitha Lee
I would love to try these out so that I can be a bit greener while cleaning the house!
well, my mother in law has been trying to sell me on shaklee for years now, but i've never actually had the products to impress me enough to make me a believer. maybe if i win these, i'd be hooked! =) Melissa mrlewkowicz@hotmail.com
One of my New Years resolutions this year was to be more green. I'm going to be making re-usable canvas grocery bags, I'm recycling packaging materials when I can, and I've got a book about better, non-toxic ways to clean your home, but I haven't yet found good house cleaning products that are environmentally friendly. It sounds like these may be what I've been looking for. :)
I've heard of their products but haven't yet had a chance to try them out and would sure like to! Great giveaway!
Hi, thanks for the great prize. I should win because I haven't yet found really good green cleaning products except laundry soap.
Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win because I am pregnant and CANNOT be exposed to toxic chemicals. My mom is convinced that we women do most of the cleaning with these toxic chemicals and that is why our bodies eventually get things like breast cancer and lupus. That was enough to break me of the cleaning with scary chemicals habit. This would solve my problems. Thank you.
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks again!
I MUST win because I suck at cleaning, but when things are in pretty containers, it makes me want to use them.
I guess it's cool that they're "green" and all too. :)
I'm always looking for better (healthier/greener) ways to clean, for our family's health, and the environment. Our mom's group does a talk every year about healthier cleaning products, from homemade to the safe alternatives in stores. I'd love to share this line with them, as I don't think it's well known in our area yet.
I have asthma and allergies, and would love to try some non-toxic products, especially for windows etc. Thanks for entering me. :) bluemoonbynite@yahoo.com
I must win because I just spent 2,000 on a better more efficient vacuum cleaner. I don't think I can afford green cleaners right now!
Go Green! Great Giveaway.
I must win! Because I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities!
just had a baby last april and I've been trying to use only non-toxic cleaners since then. thanks!!!
I must win because I have been researching which products to switch to. I hate the smell of Simple Green! Thanks for the chance to win!
I MUST win, b/c I have been wanting to eliminate those toxic cleaning products for a while now, and am a bit overwhelmed about where to even begin!
This package would be great for a holistic family with skin sensitivities.
I MUST win because I am becoming much more environmentally conscious and this would help me along. Thanks!
Please enter me! ernestsgirl82@aol.com I must win because I am trying to go more green. I already clean with a lot of vinegar and baking soda. I also recycle. I would love to buy Shaklee, but we are on a teeny tiny, wee budget. If I won and my dh could see for himself how great the products are, maybe he could juggle the budget to make room for this!
I happily call 409 asthma in a bottle. Green is good for my lungs, but too much for my wallet.
Hello, my name is Sarah.
here is my e-mail:
sharvey at connections-etc dot net
I have to win because I love basic H...and grew up with shaklee products and know they work!
I'm Vida and I must win, because I've only recently started to realize how dangerous cleaning stuff can be, and I really want to make a change to make my house more safe.
I must win because I am trying to become more environmentally conscious. Converting to green products is the next thing on my list. Thanks! ~Katie
I am all into no-chemicals. Please enter me, thanks. katie_mmartin (at) yahoo (dot)com.
This whole giveaway is turning me green - reused books, cloth diapers, cloth napkins - green cleaning products are the next stop on my list! :) My email is available through my profile. Thanks for the contest!
I must win because these products sound cool. Thanks for doing this!
i must win because ive always heard of the "green living" but never erally could afford anything so id like to try before i buy :)
thanks michelle
I must win because this stuff is so great.
I've wanted to try these products so many times. We're trying hard to go green and I need the help. I must win this because I have 3 little boys who need a good, green clean environment to grow up in!
I MUST win because with all my allergies I need to go green. Thanks!
honestly, i could care less about "going green" - whatever that means - but if it's healthier for my family i'm willing to check it out
I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to win because I do care about what is healthiest for my family and try to do the best I can...but products like this are hard to get (or else very expensive...and we're not that rich! :) ) out here.
I'd love to win because these products are healthier for my family.
I have three little ones and have been concerned about the long-term effects of the cleaning products we use on them. I've wanted to go green for a long time, but have no idea which products to start with -- so this would be great. Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Wow!! I wish I had this now because we are moving into a new house this weekend and I have to clean that house AND the house we are moving out of (subleasing to a couple). Ahhhh! It is a nightmare!
I burnt my finger on chemicals from my toilet cleaner the other day. I was shocked and didn't know it was that strong. I really want to have a baby soon, and I am trying so hard to learn how to do things naturally AND greenly. Thank you for this great gift. I would for sure put it to good use and save my babies from dangerous chemicals.
e-mail in profile
why? a long trip begins with one step. the sea raises with each tear. One person can make a difference. Because I care.
And it seems so do you.
Thank you.
PLEASE sign me up! I must win because I want to switch cleaners that we use. I've even put these products on wish lists!!! But alas, we haven't gotten them, and I haven't been able to get them (I know given all you receive the started kits are a good deal, but we are on one tight budget right now :-( )
I do buy natural cleaners from Target, but they aren't concentrated and I really want something concentrated so there is less packaging/shipping/garbage/processing/etc.
I must win because I have 2 asthmatic kids & I think the chemicals in cleaning supplies make things worse for them.
This is a great prize. Thank you for offering.
I must win because I don't want to use any chemicals around my chilren and I don't want to continue putting more chemicals into the environment.
I need to win so my husband, whom does the cleaning, can see that green products work too!!
I must win because I have always wanted to try those products!!! I hear such great things and want to see for myself!
These products sound great. I would lover to win because I know there are tons of ways I can be greener.
taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com
I am so trying to go "greeN" amd I have been doing a good job of it( I had David Suzuki even comment on one of my posts about going green..and my efforts. One area I havent attacked is cleaning and I would love to win so I can make this move too! Here is hoping I am a lucky :green" cannuck!
I must win this prize pack because I am trying to convert my husband into realizing that living green is going to require all of our efforts. If he could see that these products are actually very effective and safe for the environment or chemically sensitive folks, then maybe he won't fight me so much.
My name is Mo.
unmainstreammom at yahoo dot com
I must win because I have really been wanting to stop using chemicals in my home since I have two young daughters. I'm not sure where to start, so this would be great. I’d love to be entered.
BTW I’m giving away two prizes at my blog :)
I must win this because what I'm doing right now to be green isn't getting it clean! I have 6 kids who help me, so it must be safe for them to use!
Please count me in! Thanks!
My name is Brittany and I MUST win because I have to keep my place very clean due to my severe allergies. I would love to be able to clean while staying green at the same time! Thanks!
I must win because all of my kids and I are allergic to detergents so I have to be very careful with what I buy. If I don't we all end up scratching our skin raw.
I must win these because they would help motivate me to keep using environmentally friendly cleaners! Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway!
Great giveaway! I'd love to win because I'm concerned about how much gets dumped into landfills and I'd love to reduce the amount of trash my family throws away.
I've just recently developed allergies and I'd like to try products that will be toxin free.
Wow, I didn't know this company still existed. Good stuff! Thank-you for your generosity! Please include me!
Hope I win - but I must win cause I want to try this stuff - but have not had the money to buy it. Pick Me Please!
I must win because I am a mother of two and am also currently pregnant and toxic cleaners are not the way to go.. Thanks for the great contest and Good Luck Everyone :)
I'd love to win! We've been trying to be better stewards of our resources, and that includes not using the chemicals that are so commonly used today!
Count me in please. I have been trying different types of green cleaners, and would love to try these as well. We are trying to convert all the products we use to products that are better for us and our environment.
I would LOVE to win this! It's amazing! I especially love it because I have a toddler at home!
jmwade2 at hotmail dot com
I would love to win b/c I'm a cleaner and probably over clean at times (if that is possible)! Thanks for the giveaway!
julieahudson [at] hot mail [.] com
i must win because i am a broke student who is interested in the environment!
I am VERY green by most people's standards but I just haven't gotten into green cleaners. I would sure love to find some good ones!
I need to win because I have six kids and I think I need to get the toxins out, however, my hubby won't go for it unless I win it, try it, and it proves to work well.
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
So neat! I must win because I have a two year old and a 6 month old and I need a clean house and I don't like all the chemicals in other brands you buy at the store. It worries me with kids so little.
I MUST win because I ADORE Shaklee products and in fact am using some in my home already. Plus I have 3 kids under 5 and it just makes sense!
I MUST win because I have twin infants who are crawling around my floors and putting their hand in their mouths. I am constantly worried about what chemicals they are ingesting from me cleaning the floors and windows. Thanks for offering this great giveaway and thank you for making me aware of these products.
I must win because my house is dirty and yummy new products will inspire me to clean! l o l
I would love to win - I just found out I'm pregnant again so this would make me feel better/safer about cleaning.
I really want to live a greener life! This would be a great help.
Great giveaway! I must win because I have 2 small children and have been trying to go green in all parts of my life!
My husband is a PhD student studying indoor air quality. He's learned how bad regular cleaning products are for your lungs. Now that we have a baby, I really need to implement that things he has taught me.
I'd love to win something like this, I've never tried any type of earth friendly cleaning products.
I've been trying to eliminate chemicals from our diets (MSG, preservatives, food coloring, etc.), skin products (aluminum in deodorant, parabens in lotions, SLS in shampoos) and the next step is cleaning chemicals. If I try this and it works at least as well as Windex, then I'm sold. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a generous giveaway! I really need to win because I cannot seem to get out of the rut of buying just whatever is cheapest. I want to be more "natural" but have a hard time getting out of the habit. Winning these would be a great start! Thanks for entering me.
I am trying to get my lifestyle more heatlthy and less harmful to the enviroment, but the products are costy and not so easy to get. So this would be great!
I would love to try these products. There is so much in the air about "green living" these days. I'd like to see how these products work.
Great giveaway, If I have to clean I'd like a healthier alternative.
I have been planning on trying this!
I wanna try this stuff! Thanks for offering it in the giveawy!
I LOVE Shaklee!! I have been trying to get all my friends to join me in going green!
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