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Monday, January 28, 2008

Got Lice?

From time to time, kids will get lice. It doesn't matter that you bathe them often, and you wash their clothes... it will probably happen. And, if it does happen to your kiddo, don't beat yourself up -You're a great mom - or dad! After all, you aren't the one that gave them lice, or are you? (Okay, I'm just kidding.) But seriously, here's a homemade (and organic) recipe to get rid of head lice. It's a great alternative to those other expensive lice treatments that may or may not work in the end.

Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil (add more if hair is really long), 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, and 10 drops of lavender essential oil (which can be found at your local health foods store). Put mixture on child's head and cover with shower cap or saran wrap (or you can borrow Granny's plastic bonnet).

Let sit for AT LEAST 1 hour.

Then, mix 1 cup white vinegar with 3 drops lavender and 3 drops thyme essential oils together.

Rinse hair with warm water to get the excess olive oil out. Then, use the vinegar solution (be careful to not get in eyes or mouth).

Comb through hair with a nit comb (with metal teeth).

Shampoo and bathe child with regular products, and then go through the hair again with the nit comb.


LunaNik said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

And may I just say...WOW!

You have a wealth of information here!

Excuse me while I cruise around here for a little while...

suchsimplepleasures said...

so far, no lice. thank you god!!! i think that i would just have to shave everyones hair off, and start over...it's a sure fired way to get rid of those things!!! besides, i hear that if you shave your hair off, it grows back in thicker...i'll have to ask brittney spears about that!!

HISPANO said...

Great tip! Thanks.