If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed by your impossible to-do lists, look no further!
Websites like www.domystuff.com allow you to hire individuals to complete tasks for you. Need your house vacuumed? Need your pants hemmed? No problem! People compete and bid on the tasks you enter, so you get to pick who you want to hire. Plus, there's a handy rating system, so you can see who comes recommended...and who doesn't!
Other similar sites: www.asksunday.com, www.guru.com, www.getfriday.com, and www.zirga.com.
why couldn't i have thought of something like that!!! always a day late and a million dollars short!!
LOL maybe next time!
What a great idea. I need someone to shovel my sidewalks, mop the floor and fold about 10 loads of laundry STAT.
I need someone to be me.. do they offer that?
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